Bay News 9 highlights Kappa League’s Impact on our Community. 

Our Kappa League program focuses on 7 phases T
At a time when crime where juvenile crime was on the rise in Manatee County. Bay News 9 felt it was not robbery to highlight our youth development program to give the city hope that our youth will still achieve in society despite the negative actions of few.

What helps us continue to produce outstanding students is that we attribute to the 7 phases of Kappa League: Self-identity/Purpose, Training, Competition, Social, Health Education, Economic Empowerment/Education, and College & Career.

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Kapp League explains how “Be The One” is incorporated into their everyday lives.

The Kappa Leadership & Development League is a program designed to aid young men of high school age to grow and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. Kappa League provides both challenging and rewarding experiences to enhance their lives. Since the fundamental purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi is ACHIEVEMENT, it is, therefore, the Fraternity’s primary purpose to help these young men achieve worthy goals for themselves and make constructive contributions to their community when they assume leadership roles.



Within our Guide Right framework is the basic training mechanism called Kappa League. The basic objectives of the Kappa Leadership Development League may be summarized as follows:
1. 1) To help youth, especially those of high school graduating classes, in their selection of courses leading to vocations compatible with their aptitudes and personalities.
2. 2) To assist students, while they are training, to get started in the employment, and to progress successfully in their chosen fields.
3. 3) To assist parents in the handling of their children by giving them the opportunities to talk over their problems with those who know and are successful in their chosen vocations.
4. 4) To afford the less fortunate youths a respite from the drudgery of the streets.
5. 5) To assist students through sponsored trips to ball games, zoological garden, museums, theater, and other activities.

Long-term Success Metrics

We operate under the motto of “What gets measured, gets done!” So we have metrics in place to help us measure our results and course correct our efforts along the way. We strive to inform our youth of the values of higher education, assistance available for continued pursuits, scholarships, loans, and professional opportunities, of current labor demands and the trends on the effect of these demands and trends on the labor market.

We measure program long-term success in the following ways:
1. 100% of participants are prepared to apply for college attendance.
2. 100% of participants understand their responsibilities to better their community and school environments.
3. 87% of participants have changed behavioral attitudes and do not enter the criminal justice system for any infractions.
4. Manatee and Sarasota County school officials recommend our program for appropriate students in their systems.
a. Program success monitoring program is as follows:
5. Conduct quarterly surveys from students.
6. Conduct quarterly surveys from parents.
7. Conduct one-on-one interviews with students semi-annually.
8. Receive feedback notes from students on each lesson/training event conducted.

Kappa Kamp – Dallas Texas (Paul Quinn College)

Last Summer we were able to send three students to Kappa Kamp in Dalla TX at Paul Quin College. Kappa Kamp is an enrichment camp that focuses on College Readiness, Business and Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy and Team Building. The young men who attend Kappa Kamp acquire life skills through intensive workshops and learning through structured play activities. Campers are immersed in different backgrounds with a variety of cultural activities, field trips, and lectures.

The Mission is to offer a summer leadership program designed for students aged 12-16. This program aims to provide participants with the opportunity to acquire productive life skills through intensive workshops, learning through structured physical activities, enrichment camps and classes, and attendance at a variety of cultural and recreational activities, field trips, and educational lectures. This initiative is focused on fostering leadership development, personal growth, and educational enrichment among youth.

Our work is ongoing as we are fully aware that families are still recovering from the pandemic. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, the Sarasota-Bradenton Kappa Alpha Psi Project Guide Right, Inc., and our members are committed to our families have a safe place to learn and play. We are successful because donations from generous donors like you help when it matters most.

Our students got a chance to participate in STEM activities that help them sharpen their skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

Business Challenge

Another highlight of the Kappa Kamp was the business challenge event. Students came together and created business plans. The business plans were presented in front of several Fortune 500 business officials. This event was extremely rewarding for our students, mainly because all of our students are entrepreneurs at heart, so to get in front of a panel to present was amazing.

Corporate Visits

During the Kamp, our students got a chance to visit Google headquarters. Students got a chance to interact with corporate officials and they got a chance to see the latest Google technology and what to expect shortly.

Physical Education

was a major part of Kappa Kamp. Students got a chance to practice basketball, lacrosse, and swimming. In our community, our students focus on basketball and football, the main sport they are interested in playing. This year Kappa Kamp focused on Lacrosse and team basketball.

To conclude, we are extremely grateful for our students who participated in Kappa Kamp. We are even more grateful to our donors who continue to “Be The One” and believe in our foundation to continue to impact the lives of our youth.

Sarasota-Bradenton Project Guide Right, Inc.

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Mission & Purpose

To be the best cultural, educational, and financially resourced organization for youth development in Sarasota and Manatee counties, with a special emphasis on disadvantaged African-American youth.

The Sarasota-Bradenton Project Guide Right Foundation was established in 1999 as a non-profit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization. Its purpose is to support the outreach of activities of the Sarasota (FL) Alumni Chapter to educate, teach, coach, and develop young men & citizens of our community in their pursuit of personal aspirational goals.


Sarasota Bradenton Project Guide Right, Inc.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 573
Tallevast, FL 34270


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